Frog REDI Financial Resource Corporation is dedicated to the principle of equal access for people with disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and HUD guidelines. New and updated Web content produced by our organization will conform to W3C/WAI’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, Conformance Level A, by 06/15/21. Existing Web content produced by our organization and new, updated, and existing Web content provided for our site by third-party developers will conform to Conformance Level A. We will initiate an internal monitoring program by 05/15/21. Vendors supplying software used to develop our site will be requested to provide information by 06/15/21 on conformance to W3C/WAI’s Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, Conformance Level A.
Please contact us at should you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding any accessibility issues.

Frog REDI Financial Resource Corporation
7650 Hwy 287 N
Suite 110
Arlington TX 76001
Broker of Record
Executive Manager
Sam Appiah
NMLS# 2502523
Isabel Y Portillo
Investment General Manager